What is the on-demand delivery model?

In this blog, we are going to discuss on-demand delivery model Everything undergoes evolution in the world as time passes. The consumer breaks the conventional models and old mortar bricks enter into a new era of technology and modern life. Choices have changed a lot. In recent times, for shopping, the customer has to go to market himself. If he liked something he would buy it. As time passes the customer choices change drastically. As the whole world is converting digital. The customer is also moving toward online shopping. When the term online shopping comes into our mind only question that arrives is how much time it would take to deliver the product to our place. There are many delivery applications for different business models. The delivery applications sector is very dynamic, rapidly growing, and evolving day by day. The good news is that it is not monopolized. It is growing faster so, that the need of the customer can easily be met. You might have come across the term las...